
Mmm, hmmm, yes ma'am

Back in the USA!

"Oh, how you build me up, buttercup, and I don't want to let you down..."
Welcome to my reality. How I remembered that GF vegan pizza from
Cosmic Pizza, and oh, how it just weren't the same! What a great
wake-up to reality of the world instead of the one in my head. Now,
being in Texas, it's another kind of wake up. Talking about trusting
the universe and just being here now are not common topics of
conversation, so I haven't been saying much lately. Even Grandmother
noticed, but there are other reasons I've been keeping my mouth shut
around her. Can't seem to do anything right :)

Texas. Well, it's hot and muggy, they think vegetables come out of a
can, and there is nothing to do, especially not when the towns are 30
miles apart and everything's closed anyway. But, I'm not bored. I'm
hanging out with my family which is turning out to be quite
interesting, to experience the dynamics and get to know people better
and have some clashes of my own. Aren't these travels always a
learning experience? And, Bree and I are throwing out ideas for what
to do on our roadtrip back - visit Tucson, the Grand Tetons and
Glacier National Park, and visit some intentional communities on our
way back. In fact, we have so many ideas of what to do I joked we'll
be zig-zagging our way back instead of going in a straight line. Suits
me fine.


Homey homey homey home!

The closer I get to hopping on a plane and going home, the more
excited I become and the more I'm going to have to distract myself.
This is so exciting! Jump up and down exciting! Even though I'm
looking around me at all the beautiful people and places I haven't
visited, I am so ready and happy to be coming home. Yesterday was an
extraordinary experience - I felt so grateful to everyone, my
circumstances, my friends and family...A sort of giddy internal
grinning that sometimes came out in tears. I'm so happy because I
don't expect anything from myself, I don't expect myself to be happy.
How great is that?

I'm embarking upon the great journey home today. To Brissie,
Melbourne, then HOME!!!


Still don't know...and that's ok :)

Well, I don't know where else to write this, so here it is.

I'm a comin' home, but I'm not there yet. I'm spending my last days in
Oz in Noosa Heads, the Sunshine Coast resort town that's kinda like
Rehobath Beach in Maryland, Malibu in Cali, Seaside in Oregon. It's
summer weather here during the day - tons of people in singlets and
shorts, and people swimming! I watched two young boys playing in the
waves last night, just lolling about in the water while I sat and held
off the shivers in the wind. Australians are a hardy breed.

I thought I would do some processing of my time at Chenrezig while I
was here, and maybe that's happened, but for the most part, I eat,
think about eating, read and watch waves on the beach. It's pretty
good. Lately the book is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and I
wonder if JK Rowling put a witching spell on it because I can't put it
down! It is sooooo good! I'm so glad I'm at a point I can laugh out
loud at burping slugs and misbehaving leprechauns. Last night people
asked me what I was reading to get such a response.

I guess the one thing I have done is sign up for Facebook and learn
that possibly everyone I've ever met is on there. Wow! Imagine how
many people I'll know once I get a photo posted to it. It's like
having community available all the time. Wow.

Pretty much as soon as I get home, I'm leaving again for Texas, to
meet Bree and see some of those things called relations, and to road
trip home through the SW and I guess the North central part. I'm
aching to see mountains and I hear the Grand Tetons are spectacular.
One of the vollies at CI is in love with the U.S., and the way she
talked about being there helped me to see what an amazing country I
live in and how lucky I am to be live there. I'm quite excited to be
coming home, I can't think too much about it or I'll implode. One
moment at a time...

So, Aug 4 home, Aug 8 Texas, after that, who knows?

People ask me if I know what I'll be doing when I return to the states
and to be honest, I still don't know. No great career path has
blossomed in a dream, and I was told to let go of having one. That's
pk by me! The big difference is that now I'm ok with not knowing. I
know where I am right now, and maybe I know my next step and that's
all I need to know. I've spent too much time beating myself up about
not knowing.


Just breathe.

My time here has come to an end and I didn't realize how traumatic I
would find it. It's become familiar to me to say goodbye to places,
and I know I used to do it to a) run away from myself and b) as a side
benefit, have everyone tell me how they'll miss me and how great I am.

Here I am, dame situation, different circumstances. I am the leaver,
since I hate being left. I feel like my core group, my family is
breaking up here and I don't want to stay to see what happens next.
It's as if I believe it'll never have the same feel as it did. Wait a
sec - it won't, it can't. it's up to me to appreciate each moment for
what it is, how it is, without expecting anything more, or really,
anything else at all. Already I miss my friends here, I feel like I'm
crying for no reason, but I feel as if I've lost something precious. I
was reading an article today by Robina Courtin about anger. She
defined attachment (which leads us to being delusional and holding
onto anger) as that which makes us feel lonely, a sense of loss or as
if something is missing. Hello attachment.

The funny thing is, I'm really excited to be going back, to see my
family and love them hard, to see what happens next. It's almost as is
being a backpacker is an avoidance strategy - I'll just blip along,
tasting life here and there, staying where it's sweet and moving on
when it's not. That's not what I've done here - these last five months
are a continuation of the work I started in Yosemite, and again in
Lorinna, except now I feel I've come to a stage of completion. Once
again, I've found my center, but at a much deeper level than before.
It feels good, really good. I'm not unshakeable, but less bothers me
and that is liberating. For example, today I worked the supper shift
from 1 - 7:30pm. It gave me an opportunity to see Geshe Tashi Tsering
speak, but when I arrived for my shift, I was already tired. Having a
mindset of not wanting to do what I'd agreed to do is not easy to work
through, and certainly not with joyful effort. I watched my thoughts,
noticing when I got caught up in the negativity and stories floating
around, and then realized that all I had to do was be here now and
that holding onto my negativity was what was so tiring for me. I began
to watch my breath and a very slow 20 minutes passed. Then, I could
see clearer and I was able to work through the fog and weight. I'm
still tired now, at the end, but I'm aware and not simmering with

The talk today was on generating the mind of enlightenment and
developing bodhichitta, compassion for all sentient beings. The gompa
was packed, since Geshe Tashi Tsering came all the way from India to
give the talk (and do some ordinations yesterday). I really didn't
know what I might get out of the teaching, but I knew I wanted to
spend some time in the same room as the geshe - there's something
about him that really draws me. Seeing him yesterday, it was as if he
were glowing - I cried with joy (I think, it's never happened before).
I wonder more and more about this nun thing, especially with the books
I'm reading - Cave in the Snow, about an English woman who ordains at
21 and ends up living in a cave in India for 12 years. A remote cave.
Where she sees snow for 8 months of the year. The thing is, the
methods are so profound, and give great directions once they're
explained. I just...wonder. I also know I can always come back. That's
what everyone here is asking me anyway, although I recall asking the
same question of others just to be polite.


Smiling hard

You know that feeling once you've made a decision and you just want it
to happen?

That's how I feel right now - I've decided to come home, and now it's
a matter of counting the days til my plane leaves.

Time to go to the dharma talk - that's another benefit of having a
deadline. No more procrastinating!


Bit of a ramble!

With our latest cold snap and the arrival of some luscious new yarn
from a lovely package from Pennsylvania, the knittin' bug has
me...again. What can I say, it's good. It's SO good!

What am I knitting right now? Headbands. With inspiration from a
former vollie as well as encouragement from current vollies, headbands
are the thing. Talk about simple, and fast(er) to knit. I'm enjoying
watching the colorways wave before my eyes and allowing my creativity
to run wild on what feels like a blank slate. It's good to be creative
again. And...tonight is the first arts and craft night at Chenrezig!
There are so many creative vollies here at the moment, I figured I'd
take advantage of all that creative energy and start something - share
it around, create, express.

The days here are distinctly winterlike - crisp mornings and evenings,
days that darken by 5:30, and an urge within myself to be in bed by 8
pm. Fortunately, the actual days warm up reasonably well and in
between the occasional thunderstorm, it's sunny! I have to think about
sunburn when I sit outside at lunch time.

Things are balancing out for me here - I feel like I'm finding my
center more and more easily, and am better able to work from that, to
be in touch with my heart rather than my mind. People still ask me if
it's difficult to eat as healthily as I do, and I ask myself the same
thing every time I'm offered chocolate or a cake or we have crepe
night at the Family Center. More and more I'm realizing it's not the
food I want, it's the feeling I associate with having the food.
Chocolate means friends and family, togetherness, community. It's like
trying to find good Mexican food in France - more of a good idea than
good food. In fact, food is just food. Community is community, love is
love, friends are friends. None of these can replace the other. I ask
myself what it is I'm lacking every time I overeat. I've gotten to the
point of being aware I'm overeating while I'm doing it, not hating
myself for it, but just feeling compassion for myself and trying to
give myself the space and permission to look for what's really behind
it. I know I won't stop until I'm ready to face whatever this is -
probably fear of rejection - but I've stopped chastising myself for
it. How about that for compassion!


Taking a turn for the?

One of my new jobs is Dining Room Mistress -

What does this mean? It means I've been trained to make coffe and
thus, people happy. It also means I'm learning to keep a smile on my
face while working fast and hard. It really reminds me of bussing at
Deschutes. I hadn't planned to step into any high-energy roles while I
was on this spiritual adventure, but perhaps this means I'm ready for
it. Maintaining mindfulness while serving the public - now that's

Ah, a busy life in the middle of winter. Have I mentioned how bloody
cold it's been here? So cold I wonder how I'll stay warm from the end
of supper at 6:30 until I go to bed at 8, and I've given up meditating
in the Gompa because besides my legs going numb, so do my fingers and
toes! - brrr!