
Oh, the places I'll go!

Man, what to write about when nothing's been happening?

I could tell you about the rainy weather we've been having - seems
like it follows me everywhere! I came to Australia for a second
summer, but it's been more like winter everywhere I go. I wonder if I
really do have such a pull as to change the weather? I've got good
supporting evidence:)

I could tell you about the wonderful people I'm staying with here at
Heaven in the Hills. "Welcome to Heaven," said Carol, a red-haired
snake who towers over me and is quickly taking the place of my own
mother, who owns and runs the place. Andy is the resident handyman, a
rooster as well, and the nicest English bloke you could meet. They
call me Annie here - I asked to be called that - and what a strange
thing to hear Annie instead of Anchen! It's a bit of an identity
crisis, an ego-bind, hearing this name and calling it my own. I think
this may be a fleeting experiment, but we'll see. It's challenging,
for sure.

I could tell you about the place I'm staying at. Heaven in the Hills
is four self-containted cottages for people or groups to come and
chill out. Fortunately for me, everything's been done already and
Carol's selling the place so she can go somewhere and have her own
retreat. Meanwhile, it's a beautiful bush property on a hill with a
view toward the coast, lots of leeches (I took an angst-filled walk
yesterday and found four, no, six leeches on me and my clothes. They
still disgust me), bromeliads and epiphytes on the trees, wallabies
hopping over the grass, and tons of potential for...more efficiency.

I could tell you where I'm at. No longer in Cairns or anywhere near
there, since it's having record floods and nobody wants a wwoofer to
hang about in their house, I headed (flew, there was no ground
transport) to Brisbane and wanted to spend some time in Crystal
Waters, the permaculture village. I've ended up in Maleny, a center
for alternative living. You can tell just by walking down the
mainstreet - it's called Maple St, no Main st. here! There's a coop
and an IGA right on the main road, and sign posted here and there
saying "We won't shop there" referring to the Woolworth's that just
got put in. People object to Woolies here like they object to Walmart
in the States. The area is beautiful, and February is supposed to be
the hottest month, but I've yet to see that. I swear, I've had about
four hot days in all of Australia! I have a strong feeling I could
just spend the rest of my time here, cooking (there's a walk-in
fridge!) and doing qigong in the yoga room downstairs. It's pretty

But there's so much more! Who knows who else I'll meet? The people
make the journey!