
How far can I stretch this smile?

Community is great!

I definitely recommend volunteering here. The people are amazing, the
food is...amazing, the practices I can take or leave, and the place is
beautiful. My second week here I got a roaring soar throat, head cold
thing that knocked me flat right in the middle of my work schedule. I
was out for three days and the whole time people were telling me just
to stay in bed and get well, no pressure to work (except from myself)
and then when I resurfaced, they all asked if I was feeling better! I
felt so cared for. Talk about community! It's what I've been talking
about and looking for since the beginning of my trip. It's what I'm
excited to create and be a part of when I get back home.

Speaking of which, I'm heading out of Chenrezig on the 28th or so, and
here is what I envision: take a "Wicked Camper" for relocation to
Melbourne, pick up two or three friends/hitchers/serendipitous
connections and mosey down to Melbourne by the 1st, because I leave
out of there the second. I am open to leaving earlier and having a
longer trip, because it's about the people!!! for me, and that's who
I'm enjoying here as well.

On the note of traveling solo, I have to say, it is great. I wouldn't
have said this two months ago, six weeks ago, but now I wouldn't
change it for anything. There is a confidence, an enjoyment I've
developed with being on my own, making my own decisions and being free
to dither or act decisively or change my mind at the last minute.
Directly before coming into this feeling I really tried hard to
convince my friend and my sister to visit me here and be my travel
buddy. It's a lot like me wanting to go home all the time - I have
waves of wanting to flee away home and then the sense of being
perfectly comfortable here. Right now, I'm really comfortable with
traveling on my own, and I'm just appreciating where I'm at and who
knows where I'm going.