
Sharing some great words of wisdom

This is an email from a friend here at Chenrezig who's off visiting
her mum in Tassie and discovering what a beautiful bubble we live in
here, and how important community is for happiness and
self-development. This uses buddhist words like 'sangha' which means
community, 'bodhichitta' which means compassion for others and
eradicating the ego, and 'dharma' which means truth. It doesn't matter
what words you use, what tradition you use, everyone is lookingto
follow their own truth, and everyone wants to live in community.

Hey guys,

I was just reading this wonderful book by Thich Nhat Hanh called
'Cultivating the Mind of Love' and wanted to share some of it with
you. Being away from CI and the wonderful community (and more so the
social community) has given me an even greater appreciation of what an
amazing place Chenrezig is and how precious the spiritual community
is. I have no doubt that many of you will experience these revelations
on departure (if you haven't already).

Anyway, I will share some key bits with you:

"Chapter 15 - The Next Buddha

Two thousand five hundred years ago, Shakamuni Buddha proclaimed that
the next Buddha will be named Maitreya, the 'Buddha of Love'. I think
Maitreya may be a community and not just an individual. A good
community is needed to help us resist the unwholesome ways of our
time. Mindful living protects us and helps us go in the direction of
peace. With the support of friends in the practice, peace has a

If you have a supportive Sangha, it's easy to nourish your bodhicitta.
If you don't have anyone who understands you, who encourages you in
the practice of living Dharma, your desire to practice may wither.
Your Sangha - family, friends and copractitioners - is the soil and
you are the seed. No matter how vigorous the seed is, if the soil does
not provide nourishment, your seed will die. A good Sangha is crucial
for the practice. Please find a good Sangha or help to create one.

Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are three precious jewels in Buddhism and
the most important of these is Sangha. The Sangha contains the Buddha
and the Dharma. A good teacher is important but sisters and brothers
in the practice are the main ingredients for success. You cannot
achieve enlightenment by locking yourself in your room. Transformation
is possible only when you are in touch...

Taking refuge in the Sangha means putting your trust in a community of
solid members who practice mindfulness together. You do not have to
practice intensively - just being in a Sangha where people are happy,
living deeply the moments of their days, is enough. Each person's way
of sitting, walking, eating, working and smiling is a source of
inspiration; and transformation takes place without effort. If someone
who is troubled is placed in a good Sangha, just being there is enough
to bring about a transformation. I hope communities of practice in the
West will organise themselves as familties....

When you are animate by bodhicitta, the strong desire to devote
yourself to the practice of the Dharma for the well-being of many
beings, that is all you need. Bodhicitta is a source of power within
you. The best thing you can do for others is to help them touch the
bodhicitta in themselves. The seed of bodhicitta is there; it's a
matter of watering the seed and bringing it to life. One of the most
important ways to nourish and protect bodhicitta is to find a good
Sangha. If you have a Sangha that is joyful, animated by the desire to
practice and help, you will mature as a bodhisattva. I always tell the
monks, nuns and lay practitioners at Plum Village that if they want to
succeed in the practice, they have to find ways to live in harmony
with one another, even with those who are difficult. If they can't
succeed in the Sangha, how can they succeed outside of it?..."

Well, anyway, I odn't know if this has sown any ideas in your
mindstreams but it has in mine. I think what we have together is
special and we should keep in contact. It's easy to take for granted
the nourishing environment that the CI community provides but harsh
realities await the unweary traveller! Live in gratitude for we are

Lots and lots and lots of love,


How great is she? Lots and lot of love as well,
