
Smile, Sunshinelover, smile!



And besides that, some realizations: this may seem obvious to some of
you, but it was a little epiphany for me. I am my body. My
consciousness is in my body, and in that respect, I am my teeth, my
fingernails, my tongue. As in my mind is in my teeth, my teeth are my

This makes sense in terms of body/mind, I just never put it together
before. I've been reading a book called Prometheus Rising by robert
Anton Wilson, which is a book about why we act the way we do. In it,
the was a parable of a Buddhist monk, working towards enlightenment.
His master told him to meditate on an ox, so day after day, he thought
about an ox, meditated on an ox, visualized the ox. One day the master
came to his cell and said, "come out here, I want to talk to you."

The monk said, "I can't get out – my horns won't fit through the door."

With this, the monk was enlightened. In becoming an ox, and then
realizing he wasn't, he was able to step out of the robotic roles we
all play in society, to see things as they really are.

This got me to thinking about myself, my relationship with my body,
and my health, something I've very consciously been working on
improving for the last year and a half. In dealing with some long-term
conditions that just keep reappearing, I've been wondering what it is
that I'm not doing for myself. I realize that a lot of health is just
time and allowing my body and mind to reattain equilibrium, but with
these recurring conditions, it must be a deeper cause than what I'm
eating or doing. It's what I'm thinking about myself.

This is where Louise Hay's affirmations come in. She has a booklet of
affirmations related to health problems – if you have bad eyesight or
a weak leg or whatever it might be, there is an affirmation in there
addressing the thought behind the problem. I'm wondering what my
affirmation is, what part of myself I don't accept or what part I
think I need to protect. Meditation is especially useful in coming up
with answers to these questions – and I'm in such a space that I can
meditate as much as I want.

Can I just say how GREAT it is being in Lorinna? I am thoroughly
enjoying my gentle experience of weather, community, animals, exercise
and self-realization. I do exactly what I want, I enjoy talking to
Emma and sharing ideas and dreams, we have plenty of time to
ourselves, and the community's always out there if I want a higher
level of interaction.

I know that each step of my journey is unpredictable, wonderful, full
of lessons and more direction. At this point I'm wondering where I'm
off to next – I'm thinking the rest of Australia, to check out some
established communities to see what helps them stay cohesive and
happy. It's so easy to look at communities and pick them apart,
stating everything that's wrong and what needs improvement. I can do
that with anything. But looking at communities from the point of view
of what's right, what's working well, what are the lessons they've
learned and are learning and the binding agent bringing people
together – that's what's interesting to me.

I contemplated coming home early and just visiting communities in the US.


I'm here in exotic, english-speaking Australia. There must be a reason
for it! If nothing else, I'm off to explore some of the delights, and
meet neat people along the way. I knew from the beginning how much
I'll change as a result of this; travel has that effect on people. Now
it's a matter of allowing myself to be as open and loving as possible,
to invite in wonderful experiences and set my intention to get exactly
what I need from this trip.

When I was in Devonport, I bought two horribly over-priced magazines.
One was an Australian knitting magazine called Yarn, the other was a
spirit guide mag called Spheres. This issue is on abundance
(appropriate for Christmas-time, don't you think?) and manifesting
what you want in your life.

One article was a woman who communicated with Dragonfae, and for the
new year they recommend doing a cleanse prior to the last dark moon
of the year – that means before the sliver of the new moon appears.
This means clearing your space – de-cluttering! Getting rid of
anything that no longer has a personal connection to you, or with
anything that holds meaning you no longer want in your life.

After you clear (you can rearrange furniture if you want to give it a
'fresh' feel), you smudge! Smudge yourself first (ask someone to do
you) then smudge your space, energetically sweep it with a broom
(which you've also smudged) and then bring in something new that
represents the energy of the new year you're creating.

How great! A ceremony!

Of course, I would wait until the Chinese New Year, since that's the
calendar I follow, but clearing sounds like a great idea for anybody,
anytime. If you think you need it, you probably do! I do it each time
I move camp – cleaning and clearing my stuff, deciding what I no
longer need, what I can give away, then smudging my new space and
setting my intention for my new situation.

One last thing: my affirmation is changing. From, "I love and accept
myself," it's become, "I love and enjoy myself." How great is that?!